6.10 Certificates of compliance. The certificates of compliance should include the results of verification testing
for each requirement in 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10, as applicable. This will include the found test results, the specified
requirements, and the conclusion that each result passed. For example, the Modulus of Rupture results for Grade A
alumina brick would be reported as 772 lb/in2 (if that is the found test result) with the 3.8.4 requirement of a
500 lb/in2 (min) shown and the conclusion of "Passed" indicated. Additional requirements of the certificates of
compliance content or format may be specified in the 6.2 requirements. A copy of each certificate should be
provided to Commanding Officer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Ship Systems Engineering
Station, Attn: NSWCCD-SSES Code 922, 5001 South Broad St., Philadelphia PA 19112, in addition to other
reporting requirements of the contract.
6.11 Definition.
6.11.1 Buried surfaces. Buried surface is defined as any other surface other than working surface (see
and 4.5.3).
6.12 Subject term (key words).
Anchor brick
Apparent porosity
Modulus of rupture
Permanent linear change
Permanent volume change
Pyrometric cone equivalent
Super duty
6.13 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.
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