4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspections shall include the tests of 4.6, as specified in table IV.
TABLE IV. Conformance inspection.
Test paragraph
Requirement paragraph
Chemical analysis
Pyrometric cone equivalent
Permanent volume change
Modulus of rupture
Permanent linear change
4.5 Visual examinations.
4.5.1 Shape. Shape of the brick or tile shall be visually examined to conform to 3.3.
4.5.2 Marking. Marking of brick or tile identification shall be visually examined to determine that the marking
is legible and correct and conforms to 3.6.
4.5.3 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be examined visually and shall conform to 3.11. Multiple defects. Any individual brick or burner tile with a defect exceeding 3.11.1 and 3.11.2 limits
shall be cause for rejection. Any brick or burner tile with three or more of the 3.11.1 and 3.11.2 type defects readily
apparent and approaching those limits (within ⅔ of the stated corner and edge loss) shall be cause for rejection;
when those defects occur on the working surface of brick or burner tile, two defects shall be cause for rejection. Branding defects. If brand inserts are used in die plates, there shall be no raised surface on the pressed
piece nor shall they be depressed into the brick or tile more than 1/16 inch, or it shall be cause for rejection.
4.5.4 Dimensions. Standard shape brick. Standard shape brick shall be verified in accordance with the applicable drawing Special shape brick. Special shape brick dimensions shall be within the limits using C134 methods as Burner tile. On a flat surface, a sufficient number of tiles shall be assembled to form a simulated burner
assembly, with a 1/16-inch spacer at each tile-to-tile joint. Dimensions A through E shall be measured as specified
(see figure 1), at three or more positions for each dimensions on the assembly in accordance with corresponding
dimensions as specified on 810-1385708. See 810-1385708 for additional dimensional guidance (see 3.4.3 and 6.2).
4.5.5 Warpage. Standard shape brick. Ten bricks shall be placed on a plane surface with the thickness dimension
vertical. The bricks shall be stacked such that the branded surface is alternated. That is, counting up the ten brick
stack, the odd number bricks shall have the branded surface up; the even number bricks the branded surface down.
If the gap between any two adjacent bricks exceeds 3/32 inch, then a second stack of 10 bricks erected in the same
manner shall be inspected. A gap between any two adjacent bricks that exceeds 3/32 inch on any four sides shall be
cause for rejection of the lot (see 3.5.1). Special shape brick. When surfaces of two special shape bricks are laid together (as they would be in a
furnace application) non-parallelism of the two surfaces that exceeds ⅛ inch (see 3.5.2) shall be cause for rejection
of the lot.
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